NPNA Applauds Immigrant Inclusion in American Rescue Plan
Washington – As Congress continues to consider legislation that would bring urgently needed relief to individuals and families throughout the country, the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) calls on lawmakers to prioritize the full inclusion of immigrants as a key pillar of policymaking in the 117th Congress and in future COVID relief efforts. The American Rescue Plan, approved by the Senate on Mar. 6, takes steps to advance the social and economic integration of immigrants into the fabric of American society, but regrettably, continues to exclude many immigrant families from relief.
The American Rescue Plan improves on previous COVID relief legislation by extending eligibility for stimulus payments to mixed-status families in which some, but not all, individuals have valid Social Security numbers. At the same time, the legislation continues to exclude millions of immigrant taxpayers without Social Security numbers, despite the fact that these immigrants are disproportionately represented among the frontline workers who are helping to protect our country during this pandemic.
“Immigrant inclusion makes America stronger and more resilient, and this has never been truer than during the deadly COVID-19 pandemic,” said Nicole Melaku, executive director of NPNA. “Immigrants have been the backbone of our frontline response to COVID-19, and leaving millions of immigrant taxpayers out of relief efforts only weakens our nation’s defense against the pandemic and diminishes our collective recovery. Congress should prioritize the full inclusion of immigrants in future relief efforts and in all policymaking during the 117th Congress.”