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Tuesday, June 4, 2024 – In response to President Biden’s executive order issued today restricting the number of immigrants at the US-Mexico border, NPNA’s Climate Justice Collaborative Director Ahmed Gaya issued the following statement: 

“It is deeply disappointing to see this executive order from a President who positions himself as a climate champion. Climate change and extreme weather is now a leading cause of global displacement, impacting many of the people now seeking refuge. The climate crisis demands the creation of compassionate, orderly and safe migration pathways for those who cannot stay in their homes, instead of dangerous and harmful theatrics about the border. Last November, ten of the nation’s largest environmental organizations sent a letter to congressional leaders arguing that the creation of new safe migration pathways for climate displaced people are an essential component of the United States’ climate agenda, alongside emissions reduction and a just transition to clean energy. President Biden and his administration should look to the example of the Climate Displaced Persons Act as one framework for the kind of climate solutions this moment requires. We urge climate and environmental leaders to join us in calling on President Biden to reverse course from this harmful, misguided order, and to instead address the root causes of forced migration and create the safe, orderly and dignified asylum system he promised in 2020.”