WASHINGTON – Last night, a more diverse electorate, including Latinos, African Americans, and Asians, rejected the hateful, anti-immigrant agenda of division put forth by President Donald Trump. This newly energized electorate voted for more women and people of color who reaffirmed the principles of inclusion and opportunity for all on which the United States was founded.
“Yesterday’s election was a loud repudiation of the anti-immigrant, anti-refugee rhetoric and stance of the current Administration. The significant wins — particularly in Congress and in so many key state races — are a clear sign that voters reject fear and xenophobia,” said Gustavo Torres, Executive Director of CASA and Co-Host of the 11th annual National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC).
“Voters resoundingly said ‘NO’ to candidates who have enabled hateful policies, like those that separated children from their parents,” added Becky Belcore, Co-Director of NAKASEC and Co-Host of NIIC. “All over the country, voters said ‘YES’ to candidates who share a vision of inclusion and diversity, and who will unite the country by seeking humanitarian solutions to the issues at hand.”
The National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) is the largest conference addressing immigration and refugee issues in the United States and gives advocates, policy experts, government officials, and community leaders an opportunity to connect, learn from each other, share their work and vision enhance collaboration and strategize.
Reflecting the mandate by voters, at the conference, the National Partnership for New Americans will advance its “New American Dreams Platform,” a set of common-sense solutions at all levels of government for bolstering the contributions and dignity of immigrants and refugees in this country and helping communities move from resistance to victory. The NIIC will be held Dec. 9-11 in Arlington, Va., where more than 1,200 experts are expected to attend the three-day event.
The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) sponsors the annual National Immigrant Integration Conference and, in the past two years, NPNA partners have assisted over 50,000 immigrants to become U.S. citizens and pursue legal status. NPNA harnesses the collective power and resources of the country’s 34 largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 29 states. Its aim is to achieve a vibrant, just and welcoming democracy for all. NPNA is proud to partner with over 65 organizations from the corporate, philanthropic, labor and NGO sectors who support and power NIIC.