WE THE PEOPLE – the ninth annualNational Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC) is coming to Nashville, Tennessee this December 11-13. Registration is open and discounted Early Bird rates are available through September 15. Join us!
This year’s NIIC takes place at a crucial crossroads for America and amid heightened national conversations on what it means to be American and our values about race, immigration and more. For the immigrant and refugee integration field, WE THE PEOPLE will be an essential space to address the new landscape following the Supreme Court’s recent decision, the ongoing global refugee crisis, a year of candidate engagement on immigration policy, and a new Presidential Administration on the horizon.
Join us for the largest gathering on immigrant integration in the country, where leaders from the policy, business, nonprofit, labor, academic, faith, community, and philanthropic sectors come together to discuss the most pressing questions in our field, share effective practices and programs, build lasting solutions, and create a vision for immigrant integration. Nashville is known far and wide as the home of country music, but it is also home to the country’s fastest growing immigrant community and is a model for immigrant integration in a “new gateway city.”
Scenes from NIIC 2015 in New York City.
Register for NIIC today . and access our discounted Early Bird rates
We can’t wait to see you in Nashville as we work to build a more vibrant, just, and welcoming democracy for all!
Lindsey Harris and Stephanie Teatro, Co-Executive Directors, TIRRC, NPNA Board Member
Steven Choi, Executive Director, NYIC, NPNA Board Member
Eva Millona, Executive Director, MIRA, NPNA Board Member
María Rodriguez, Executive Director, FLIC, NPNA Board Member
Tara Raghuveer, Deputy Director, NPNA