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Statement from NPNA Regarding the House of Representatives’ Coronavirus Relief Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, March 23, 2020

CONTACT: Susana Flores (915) 525 2434

Fernanda Durand (443) 396-3317


Statement from NPNA Regarding the House of Representatives’ Coronavirus Relief Bill


WASHINGTON – The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) released a statement on the bill that House leadership proposed today to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. This statement is attributed to Diego Iñiguez-López, Policy and Campaigns Manager for NPNA:

“The coronavirus pandemic has revealed that we are all in this together and that our health and safety is dependent on us all working collectively. Federal action is needed to respond to this pandemic and ensuing economic fall-out and the legislative response must include all of our communities. This is why we need legislation, like what was proposed by House leadership today, that ensures that immigrant and refugee communities are included in the stimulus package. This is especially so when immigrants and refugees are on the frontlines of responding to this crisis and in rebuilding our economy. There is no reason why access to testing and medical services should be dependent on a person’s immigration status. And there is no reason why Senate leadership should prioritize corporate and Wall Street needs over the needs of families and their public and financial health. The bi-partisan work of the Senate and House on the Small Business Relief Package should be the model for successfully moving forward. Now is the time for federal leadership, for coming together, and for action that recognizes that we are only as healthy as those who are most exposed and vulnerable to this pandemic and the economic suffering that has already arrived. This is why we need urgent, inclusive action from the Senate.”
