Reuters, December 22, 2015, Trump becomes poster boy for efforts to mobilize 2016 Latino voters
Vox, December 18, 2015, What immigration activists want from Hillary Clinton
NowThis, December 18, 2015, This is what candidates should be doing to support immigrants
NBC News, December 15, 2015, At Immigration Conference, Asian Americans Discuss Language Access, DACA Enrollment
Latin Post, December 15, 2015, Immigration News Today: Martin O’Malley Meets With Hunger Strikers, Immigrant Detainee Family
Newsday, December 15, 2016, Hillary Clinton spells out immigration plans in Brooklyn speech
Univision, December 15, 2015, Nueva York destinará casi 8 millones para brindar asistencia legal a inmigrantes
Politico, December 14, 2015, Cuomo targets nativists, recalls his immigrant roots
Wall Street Journal, December 14, 2015, Hillary Clinton Meets With an Undocumented Immigrant and His Family
New York Times, December 14, 2015, New York City to Aid Immigrants Amid Stalled National Reforms
Huffington Post, December 13, 2015, Steven Choi, Embracing Inclusion, Defeating Hate: The National Immigrant Integration Conference Ignites Conversations around Integration
NBC News, December 10, 2015, New National Campaign Urges Legal Residents to Naturalize, Vote
Houston Chronicle, November 20, 2015, High court asked to review Obama’s immigration plan
Washington Post, November 12, 2015, Immigration advocates aren’t letting a court ruling on deportations get in their way
International Business Times, November 12 2015, Obama Immigration Reform Update: Despite Appeals Court Ruling, Immigrant Advocates To Celebrate Policy Anniversary
Washington Post, October 19, 2015, What ever happened to Obama’s sweeping executive actions on immigration?
Huffington Post, September 23, 2015, Bob Annibale, Citizenship is an Economic Asset
NPR, September 18, 2015, The White House Plan That Could Get Millions Of Immigrants To Vote
New York Times, September 17, 2015, Julia Preston, White House Campaign Urges Legal Immigrants to Become (Voting) Citizens
The Legal Intelligencer, September 17, 2015, Stepping Up for Citizenship
Chicago Tribune, September 14, 2015, Eva Millona and Joshua Hoyt, A deeper debate on immigration is welcome